McNamara Bros Inc. employs licensed and certified Applicators. They are well educated regarding the care of lawns, shrubs and trees. Our specialists are trained to recognize and resolve problems in a safe and effective manner.
Lawn Fertilization:
7 step application program including grub control
- Spring Lawn Application (Fertilizer & Crabgrass Control)
- Early Summer Lawn Application & Grub (Fertilizer, Broadleaf Control and Surface Insect Control)
- Summer Lawn Application (Fertilizer, Broadleaf Control and Surface Insect Control)
- Early Fall Lawn Application (Fertilizer and Broadleaf Control as needed)
- Late Fall Lawn Application & Lime (Fertilizer and Lime)
Lawn Diseases
Call us if you suspect you have any of the following Lawn Diseases and we will come out to consult and recommend appropriate treatment.
- Red Thread
- Dollar Spot
- Pink Snow Mold
- Nutsedge

Tree and Shrub Applications
- Tree & Shrub Fertilization
- Winter Moth Prevention
- Gypsy Moth Prevention
- Horticultural Oil (Insect Control)
- Winter Protection